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Outstanding Customer Service

Variedad International Enterprises, LLC

Variedad International Enterprises is a company that provides a variety of products and services through our business units. Each Business unit has a focus on a core product or service. Visit each to learn more.

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Le Buiti Ibagari

Le Buiti Ibagari has a focus of importation and sale of Casabe.

Le Buiti Ibagari
Savior Black

Savior Black is focused on photography and video production.

Savior Black
Variedades Cristina

Variededes Cristina operates in Honduras as a full-service general store for the community of Triunfo De La Cruz.

Variedades Cristina

Why choose us?

We excel in providing a customer experience that is second to none for both our products and services. If you are looking for an outstanding customer experience, then we are a right fit for you.

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Contact us

We long for the opportunity to serve you, and look forwards to speaking to you soon.